Re: Anarthrous Subject with Articular Pred Nom?

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Fri Sep 05 1997 - 21:47:18 EDT

On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 15:04:00 -0400 (EDT) writes:
>Paul stated:
>>It is interesting that textual variants here have the inclusion of the
definite >article on QEOS (Byzantine and the majority of manuscripts).
It is probable >the scribes felt QEOS was definite and so included the
article in order to make
>it the subject, or at least make it interchangeable with the articular
> Paul Dixon >>
>Interesting. If Lane McGaughy (Toward a Descriptive Analysis of EINAI
>as a Linking Verb in New Testament Greek [Missoula, MT: University of
>Montanna, 1972], 53) is correct in stating, "If both words or word
clusters are
>determined by an article, the first one is the subject," then it would
>those scribes who used the article with THEOS understood it to be the
>subject, not the predicate.
>Greg Stafford
>University of Wisconsin

Yes, but I would like to know upon what he based that.

Paul Dixon

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