Greek Exegesis in John Class

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Wed Sep 24 1997 - 12:27:40 EDT

I am going to be teaching through John's Gospel shortly and would like to
consider forming a Greek exegesis study group for the purpose of
discussing problem passages in the Gospel. If interested in joining this
group, please contact me privately, and ASAP, as I will be starting
imminently. Hopefully, less than a dozen will respond, but if a
sufficient number do, then we might consider creating an official list.

Prerequisite: a working knowledge of Greek NT.

I am sending this notice to the first year online Greek class I'm
teaching only to
let them know that half way through the year I will be encouraging them
to join us, but only as observers.

Dr. Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Wilsonville, Oregon

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