Re: ENTOS in Luke 17:21

From: lakr (
Date: Wed Oct 08 1997 - 14:21:54 EDT

> Song of Solomon 1:10 (NJB) says, "Your cheeks show fair between their
> pendants and your neck within (ENTOS) its necklesses."


> The consistent biblical sense of ENTOS, as seen in the nine other
> occurances of the word in the Bible, is "within, inside"
> John Reece

John, in looking over your examples I find that this one is the only
one which uses ENTOS in the way that I think may relate to Luke 17:21,
that is something that is in an ENTOS _relationship_ with a set of
other things. However, for some reason, I cannot find this verse
in my on-line LXX. I will have to check the entire verse in Greek
when I get home or perhaps at lunch.

However, if I interpret this correctly, Solomon is saying that
the neck of (I presume the Shulamite maiden) is surrounded by
necklesses in the same way that cheeks are between pendants,
and not that the contents of her physical person is literally
inside the very substance of the necklace, although I can see
a possibility that the neck is inside the circle of the

As I have time, I will continue to look for other constructions
like this.

Larry Kruper

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