Novum Testamentum Graece (circa 1869)

From: Mark O'Brien (
Date: Mon Oct 13 1997 - 14:40:23 EDT

I was recently going through some boxes of books that I had been
reaquainted with after my return to Australia, and came across a Greek NT
in my collection that I am finding hard to identify. It was published in
1869 by Clarendon in Oxford, and the preface begins with:

"Damus tibi in manus, L.B., Novum Testamentum idem fere, quod ad textum
attinet, cum editione Milliana, cum divisione Pericoparum et Interpunctura
J.A. Bengelii." (Monitum/preface is dated 20 Dec 1827)

I haven't had time to check, but I'm suspecting that I have a relatively
late edition of the TR, but I was wondering whether any GNT history buffs
out there might happen to know exactly what I do have here.

Feel free to contact me off the list...



So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in
praise of intelligence.
                -- Bertrand Russell
Rev. Mark B. O'Brien
Assoc. Pastor, Subiaco Church of Christ, Western Australia
Lecturer, South Perth Christian College, Western Australia

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