RE: Ephesians 4:11?

From: Peter Phillips (
Date: Tue Oct 07 1997 - 16:46:26 EDT

Is B-Greek really the place to argue out whether or not the twelve were
authors or not. Some of us prob. think that they did have a big part to
play in the authorship of the gospels, some will not . Either way it
cannot be argued from the text or from the Greek. So surely we need to
move this discussion off list - or lets set up a different list for those
who want to argue about things which can never be resolved til the cows
come home - or rather til the Lord comes again and then I think we'll
probably have other things on our minds anyway!

Pete Phillips
Simply a NT lecturer
Cliff College, Sheffield, England

Ben Crick wrote:----------

> The Apostles (some of them) were also the authors of the New Testament
> canonical books, as the O.T. Prophets were the authors of the O.T.
> books: compare "[ye] are built upon the foundation of the *apostles and
> prophets*, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" (Ephesians
> 2:20).

Jim West replied:>

Not one of the 12 wrote a book; and not one of the OT prophets wrote a book
either. This view is utterly impossible in light of the literature itself.
See any introduction to the NT and the OT for the essentials.

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