Re: Mk 13:30 hH GENEA

From: Jeffrey Gibson (
Date: Sun Oct 19 1997 - 19:32:19 EDT

On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Rod Decker wrote:
> Maybe I should offer something constructive. I haven't followed this
> thread, but did write a diss. f.n. recently that suggests some resources on
> the topic of hH GENEA (that's what happened to catch my eye in the digest
> index today). The article by Nelson I found particularly helpful (BTW,
> Nelson wrote his diss. on the Matthean version of this discourse):
> For discussion of the exegetical options from a variety of perspectives,
> see G. Beasley-Murray, Jesus and the Kingdom of God, 333-4; D. Bock, Luke,
> ECNT, 2:1688-92; F. Bruce, The Hard Sayings of Jesus, 225-30; R. Gundry,
> Mark, 790-1; S. Kidder, "'This Generation' in Matthew 24:34," AUSS 21
> (1983): 203-9; N. Nelson, "'This Generation' in Matt 24:34: A Literary
> Critical Perspective," JETS 38 (1995): 369-85; S. Toussaint, Behold the
> King: A Study of Matthew, 278-80; D. Turner, "The Structure and Sequence of
> Matthew 24:1-41," GTJ 10 (1989): 21-6; and D. Wenham, "'This Generation
> Will Not PassŠ': A Study of Jesus' Future Expectation in Mark 13," in
> Christ the Lord, 127-50.

To which should be added, Evald Lovestamm, Jesus and "This Generation": A
New Testament Study" CB Almqvist & Wiksell, 1995. But (shameless plugg No.
1!!) see also my review of the recent Journal of Theological Studies, as
well as (shameless plug #2!!)my article on "Jesus' Refusal to Produce a
'Sign'', in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 38 (1990), pp.
37-66, and M. Meinertz, "Dieses Geschlecht im Neuen Testamen", BZ 1
(1957), pp. 283-289.

Jeffrey Gibson

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