re: Instrumental SUN+dative (Acts 7:35)

From: Clayton Bartholomew (
Date: Mon Oct 20 1997 - 06:48:44 EDT

Thanks to Martin Arhelger for pointing out several
important aspects of this question.

Martin wrote:
My German edition of BDF does not say this in paragraph
217, 2. (It notices Acts 7:35, but not as a strict example
of BeYaD.)

I took another look at BDF 217(2) and saw that I had
misread the argument. BDF is using EN XEIRI in Acts 7:35
(Aleph* H P) as an example of an instrumental translation
of BeYaD. BDF also notes the textual variant SUN XEIRI in
this context but does not argue that SUN XEIRI is an
example of anything. My error here. I always have to read
BDF five times to figure out what it is saying.

Martin also wrote:
It is much more simple to take "SUN" in its primary force
of "with" in the sense of association (or addition) and
"XEIR" in the sense of "power" (comp. Luc 1:71; Joh 10:39;
Act 12:11 etc. and often in LXX) so that "SUN XEIRI" is
"with the support of" or something like that in Act 7:35

I agree with this. It is more simple. I am wondering
however about the Classical use of SUN+dative with an
instrumental force. Perhaps some of the Classical
scholars on the list would see fit to comment on this. LSJ
1690(7) lists this as one of the uses of SUN. Perhaps this
use was rare even in the classical period. Has this use
completely gone out of existence in the Koine period?
Could Acts 7:35 be a remnant of this use?

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point

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