Liddell-Scott-Jones-McKenzie-Glare: Bargain again!

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Tue Oct 21 1997 - 16:28:41 EDT


In case you are one of those who has not yet acquired the new (1996) LSJM
with Glare's marvelous supplement bound in, Oxford has again made it
available at a bargain price.

It is available UNTIL DEC. 15th only for $100 -- a 20% discount. Add $4.50
for shipping. Sales tax only in California and North Carolina.

Phone 1-800-451-7556

Refer to the new 1997-1998 catalog "Classical Studies"; ask for "A Greek-
English Lexicon", Liddell-Scott-Jones-McKenzie with Glare Supplement,
publ. 1996.

If you read outside the NT and second-century Christian lit., you NEED this
lexicon. You DON'T need the "Intermediate" or "Abridged" editions, which
are well over a hundred years old. This sale means that you get 2500 pages
for $100, or 2.5 giant pages for every cent. Most books with only 10% as
much on a page cost about 10 cents per page, 100 times as much, or about
1000 times as much per word!

Edward Hobbs

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