Word Order Bibliography

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 24 1997 - 17:10:34 EDT

I'm taking the liberty of forwarding directly to the list this
bibliographical aid; it may not be of interest to all, but to some it may
turn out quite valuable. I'll thank Gerald Lincoln directly here and now
for sharing this with us.

>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 11:08:00 -0500
>From: GLINCOLN <glincoln@lbc.edu>
>Sender: GLINCOLN <glincoln@lbc.edu>
>Organization: Lancaster Bible College
>To: cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu
>Subject: Word Order Bibliography
>The word order discussion on B-Greek raised the question about other work
>on the topic. Would the following citations be of interest to the group?
>I have been working on a bibliography of Greek grammar and have about 3000
>citations in with about three feet of file material still to enter with
>little time. Dan Wallace used some of my files when he was working on his
>gramar and dissertation. Proofing still needs to be done for many
>1. Ambrosini, Riccardo. "Interpretive Constraints versus Ad Sensum Anaphora
>in Classical Greek." IN _Historical Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance:
>Papers in Honor of Oswald Szemerenyi, II_, pp. 16-28. eds. Brogyanyi, Bela,
>and Reiner Lipp. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic
>Science IV: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 87. Amsterdam: Benjamins,
>2. Brunel, J. _La construction de l'adjectif dans les groupes nominaux du
>grec_. Paris: Presses universitaries de France, 1964.
>3. Cervin, Richard Stuart. "On the Notion of 'Second Position' in Greek."
>_Studies in the Linguistic Sciences_ 18 2 (Fall 1988): 23-39.
>4. Cervin, Richard Stuart. "Word in Ancient Greek: VSO, SVO, SOV, or All of
>the Above?" U of Illinios, Urbana, June 1991, DAI v51 (12) p4104A.
>5. Cuendet, G. _L'ordre des mots dans le texte grec et dans les versions
>gotique arm,nienne et vieux slave des ,vangiles, I: Les groupes nominaux_,
>Coll. lingu., 26. Paris: Champion, 1929.
>6. Davison, Michael E. "New Testament Greek Word Order." _Literary and
>Linguistic Computing: Journal of the Association for Literary and
>Linguistic Computing_ 4 1 (1989): 19-28.
>7. Dover, K. J. _Greek Word Order_. Cambridge: UP, 1960.
>8. Dover, K. J. "Some Types of Abnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy." _The
>Classical Quarterly_ 35 2 (1985): 324-343.
>9. Dunn, Graham. "Ancient Greek Word Order and the Lehmenn Hypothesis." _Te
>Reo: Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand_ 28 (1985): 81-94.
>10. Dunn, Graham. "Greek Word Order: Three Descriptive Models." _Te Reo:
>Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand_ 33 (1990): 57-63.
>11. Dunn, Graham. "Syntactic Word Order in Herodotean Greek." _Glotta:
>Zeitschrift fr Griechische und Lateinische Sprache_ 66 1-2 (1988): 63-79.
>12. Friberg, Timothy. "New Testament Greek Word Order in Light of Discourse
>Considerations." University of Minneasota, 1982, DAI July 1982 43(1)
>13. Hayes, Carl Leroy. "Greek Word Order in the Gospel of Mark." Dallas
>Theological Seminary, 1965, Th. M. Thesis.
>14. Huynh-Armanet, V., and C. Pineira-Tresmontant. "La description
>contextuelle des mots et l'ordinateur." _Literary and Linguistic Computing:
>Journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing_ 4 (1989):
>15. Kilpatrick, G. D. "The Order of Some Noun and Adjective Phrases in the
>New Testament." _Bible Translator_ 16 117-119.
>16. Larsen, Iver. "Word Order and Relative Prominence in the New Testament
>Greek." _Notes on Translation_ 5 1 (1991): 29-34.
>17. Levinsohn, S. H. "Phrase Order and the Article in Galatians. A
>Functional Sentence Perspective Approach." _OPTAT_ 3 (1989): 44-64.
>18. Marquis, Galen. "Word Order as Criterion for the Evaluation of
>Translation Technique in the LXX and the Evaluation of the Word-Order
>Variants as Exemplied in LXX-Ezekiel." _Textus: Annual of the Hebrew
>University Bible Project_ 13 (1986): 59-84.
>19. Moeller, Henry R., and Arnold Kramer. "An Overlooked Structural Pattern
>in New Testament Greek." _Novum Testamentum_ 5 (1962): 25-35.
>20. Morrell, Kenneth Scott. "Studies on the Phrase Structure of Early Attic
>Prose." DAI June 1990 v50(12) p3931A-3932A.
>21. Nagase, Mari. "A Computer-Assisted Study of Word Order in Plato's Prose
>Style." _Bulletin of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing_
>13 2 (1985): 43-46.
>22. Parker, Fredrick. _Tracts on the Greek Languages_. London: 1878.
>23. Timblin, Paul W. "Greek Word Order in the Book Of Philippians." Dallas
>Theological Seminary, 1972, Th. M. Thesis.
>24. Wifstrand, Albert. "A Problem Concerning the Word Order in the New
>Testament." _Studia Theologica_ 3 (1949): 172-184.
>Gerald E. Lincoln *****************************
>Library Director Voice (717) 560-8250 Ext. 362
>Lancaster Bible College FAX (717) 560-8213
>901 Eden Rd. e-mail glincoln@lbc.edu
>Lancaster, PA 17601 *****************************

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cconrad@yancey.main.nc.us
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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