Re: The Too Difficult Reading

From: Bob Schroer (
Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 17:31:47 EST

At 01:49 PM 10/27/97 +0000, Clayton Bartholomew wrote:
>In Acts 7:46 OIKWi (Alpeh* B D H) is the more difficult
>reading. Most of the other witnesses have QEW which
>makes more sense. Metzger's commentary has a full page
>of discussion for this variant which is worth reading. I
>found one aspect of this discussion most intriguing. Some
>textual scholars decided that OIKWi was *too difficult* a
>reading and resorted to conjectural emendation. Is this not
>an extreme course of action when treating an ancient text
>which has thousands of witnesses?
>Here is my question for the members of b-greek:
>If we accept OIKWi as the original reading then how should
>the passage be understood?
>Clay Bartholomew
>Three Tree Point


It seems to me--Either reading one accepts on text-critical grounds makes
good sense. The difference between the two reading is not that great when
the context of 2 Sam. 7 is taken into consideration. A dwelling for the
God of Jacob is certainly a temple for God to dwell in, and a dwelling for
the house of Jacob means a dwelling for God to be used by the house of Jacob.

Bob Schroer

Bob Schroer Christian Leadership Ministries
2310 Belmore Dr. Director - University of llinois
Champaign, IL 61821 Office - 217-359-9809
Email: Home - 217-359-8965


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