From: John M. Moe (
Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 14:57:37 EST

Carl W. Conrad wrote:


> Well, I am NOT an "aspect geek," and don't claim to know much about it;
> Jonathan's just added a question I've never thought about although there
> might be a rule out there. I just simply noted here: (a) POREUQENTES comes
> first and is aorist; this is a very common combination: aorist ptc. &
> finite verb = after doing action x, do/does/did action y. Although an
> aorist ptc. doesn't ALWAYS refer to time prior to that of the main verb, it
> generally does. You may note also that the participles in the following
> section are in the present tense. Consequently I'd understand this as
> "After getting on the road, get disciples made, all the time baptizing and
> instructing them." Sorry I can't reduce this to intelligible rules.
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics/Washington University
> One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
> Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
> OR
> WWW:


I have always understood the POREUQENTES just as you explain it and the present
participles as describing how to continue getting on with the assignment. I
might try to express my understanding of the relationship of the participles to
the finite verb with something like the following English expression

"Having gone, therefore, disciple all peoples by baptizing ... teaching" (Note
the lack of a KAI between the present participles.)

Is it out of line to see the participial phrases as further clarification ot
the imperative?

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