Re: DIKAIOSUNH in Romans

From: Eric Weiss (
Date: Tue Oct 28 1997 - 18:38:30 EST

A. Brent Hudson wrote:

> Eric wrote:
> > (snip)
> > Any clues from
> > Classical Greek or Rabbinical literature?
> Mark Seifrid, in his *Justification by faith: The origin and development of a central Pauline theme,* (Brill, 1992) has shown that there is no decisive evidence that this was a formulaic expression in Second Temple Judaism (see pp. 99-108; 213-14). If one accepts Seifrid's findings, the use of DIKAIOSUNH QEOU must be evaluated in each of its contexts.
> Following this "case by case" concept, Ann Jervis suggests that the epexegetic or appositional genitive fits well in Rom 3:22. She notes herself that this has not received much support, but it is an interesting possibility and seems to fit the context of 3.22 quite well. (See L. Ann Jervis, "Becoming like God through Jesus Christ: Discipleship in Romans" in *Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament* ed. R. N. Longenecker, (Eerdmans, 1996), pp. 143-162).
> Brent Hudson

The epexegetic genitive "defines, explains, or further describes the noun modified - He was speaking concerning the temple of his body (i.e., the temple that was his body)" - Perschbacher REFRESH YOUR GREEK p. 1074

So would Romans 3:22 be "but the righteousness - i.e., God - through faith of Jesus Christ"???? That doesn't make too much sense to me.

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