Re: Chiasm in Matt 7:6?

From: Randy Leedy (
Date: Tue Dec 09 1997 - 08:21:25 EST

Received this message last night from someone who apparently wished
to stay off the list, so I won't include the name:

>>>Carry a sack of pig food into the pigpen. you will learn that pigs
can trample and rend.

Those with experience with pigs seem to agree on this point. However,
there are two ways to look at the question that's being raised. If
the question is "Did Jesus intend this statement to be read
chiastically?", it appears that the answer may well be no, depending
on how certain we can be that the pigs known in His society were
indeed as likely to rend as to trample. But if the question is "What
factor(s) suggest to some exegetes that this statement should be read
chiastically," then I think the answer that several of us have given
is valid.

We know, partly, at least, what has prompted some to read the
statement that way. Whether they are correct in doing so appears

In Love to God and Neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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