re: Opinion of HeavenWord's GreekMaster

From: S. L. Kull (
Date: Fri Dec 12 1997 - 10:11:43 EST

> >know about Dr. Gleason Archer whos name is associated with this
> product?
> Gleason Archer is a professing evangelical OT Professor - can't remember
> where at off the top of my head...
> cheers,
> Andrew
Archer is OT prof at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and has
his PhD is from Harvard. He is both brilliant and eccentric, the
classic absent-minded prof, with whom I was privileged to study. My
favorite memory is of a "field trip" to Chicago's Oriental Institute.
Archer took us from room to room, translating the hieroglyphs off
the top of his head as we viewed the various artifacts. He's the
only person I know who carries both a Hebrew and Greek Bible to
church each Sunday.

S. L. Kull
Biblical Theological Seminary
Hatfield, PA 19440

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