Re: Request: AV/TR/MT/CT Debate

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Fri Dec 12 1997 - 14:54:58 EST


Below are the most reasonable defenses of a Majority Text viewpoint. Burgon
was the most scholary. I tried to pick selections that avoid ad hominem
arguments and stuck to the facts although burgon (who is really the
originator of all the arguments that the TR people use) often became quite

Hope this helps

Kevin W. Woodruff

Burgon, John William._ The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated
and Established._ London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.

_____._ The Revision Revised._ Paradise, Pennsylvania: Conservative
Classics, n.d.

_____., and Edward Miller. _The Causes of the Corruption ot the Tradtional
Text of the Holy Gospels._ London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.

Farstad, Arthur L. _ The New King James Version in the Great Tradition._
2nd ed. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993.

Letis, Theodore P. _The Majority Text: Essays and Reviews in the Continuing
Debate._ Grand Rapids: Instiute for Biblical Textual Studies, 1987.

Pickering, Wilbur N. _Identity of the New Testament Text_ Rev. ed.
Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1980.

Sturz, Harry A. _The Byzantine Text-Type and New Testament Textual
Criticism_. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984.

At 12:04 PM 12/12/97 -0500, you wrote:
>To All List Members:
> Many thanks to the several of you who provided me with excellent
>resources regarding the AV/TR controversy; especially the book by White.
> I have another request: Can you suggest material representing the
>most reasoned, balanced defense of the KJV Only viewpoint? (I assume that
>such material exists.) In the interest of decent research, it seems to
>me I should devote some consideration to both sides of the issue.
>Ted Mann

Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
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