Re: Mt 24:38 & Lk 17:27

From: F. Holly Mitchell (
Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 - 17:46:13 EST


> gami/zontai in Eu.Marc.12.25, Eu.Matt.22.30, Eu.Luc.17.27 seems middle
> voice "to marry" (a woman, to a man), different from the act. in
> "Eu.Matt."24.38, cf. A.D."Synt."280.11.
> gamou=ntes has here clearly the classical meaning "marry" (a man to a
> woman). For game/w with a woman as subject cf. *1Ep.Cor*.7.28, and outside
> the NT Iust."Nou."97.6 praef. Cf. the "DGE" entry for other very strange
> (mostly comical or parodic) cases in earlier litterature.

Tell me, please, what are A.D."Synt."280.11, "Nou."97.6, and the "DGE"

> As for the tense, gamou=ntes kai\ gami/zontes are in the pres-imperf.
> participle: *note* that in the participle, the so-called present participle
> can cover the functions of a present or an imperfect. Maybe it is not in
> fashion now, but in the grammatical literature of the beginning of this
> Century it was very normal to speak of the "imperfect participle". This is
> the ordinary tense for repetitive actions in the past. In Spanish we have
> the same distinction between past tenses in "se casaron", "se casaban".

That helps, and I appreciate it!

God Bless,

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