Re: LXX and Greek "Fathers" text.

From: N D Booth (
Date: Wed Dec 17 1997 - 20:28:30 EST

Hello again Ron

There is also a morphologically tagged LXX at
gopher:// .
You may also be interested in the LXX on-line resources at

><))))> <((((><

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Kopecek <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: 18 December 1997 00:45
Subject: Re: LXX and Greek "Fathers" text.

>Ron Rhoades wrote:
>> All,
>> Does anyone know where I can download the text of the LXX in Greek? I
>> also would like to find the Greek "Fathers" writings in Greek rather
>> than the English translations.
>> I haven't even been able to find a web site where I can search the
>> original language versions of the "Fathers."
>If there is such a web site for the Greek Fathers in Greek, I'd like to
>know as well. The best I've been able to do is some of them on the
>Thesaurus Linguae Graecae CD ROM #D, but it's quite expensive. Maybe
>$400 or so for individuals. I've forgotten: surely somebody who is a
>classicist will know, for it is basically a classics CD.

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