Re: hOYTOS derogatory?

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Thu Dec 18 1997 - 06:39:25 EST

At 11:45 AM -0600 12/17/97, Rick Strelan wrote:
>Edgar Krentz wrote:
>>A brief comment on your paragraph below. I recall Saul Levin commenting
>>that hOUTOS often, in dialogue, had a negative connotation: "This here
>>[fellow]" and in drama may even have been equivalent to a stage direction:
>>gesture toward the person indicated. The term does not have to be
>>derogatory, but can in context. So you might well translate "This here
>>authority of yours"--said with a particular inflection.
>See also the hO PAULOS hOUTOS of Acts 19:26.

It occurs to me to raise the question--which might not be very easy to
answer--whether this negative connotation of hOUTOS may either be a
Latinism or derive support from the Latin use of ISTE.

>>It pays to think orally when reading some texts.
>Agreed. Note hOUTWS of Jn 4:6.

Yes, and questions have been raised about hOUTWS in Jn 3:16 too!

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