From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Mon Dec 22 1997 - 05:30:09 EST

In acts 7:44 Bezae has a unique(?) reading:



The lacuna in the Bezae reading is filled in the same manner by several
editors so I assume that this reconstruction in not controversial. What I do
find odd is that PARATUPON is not exactly a common word. I searched through my
formidable collection of lexica and found it only in one place LSJ 1328 under
I am not sure that LSJ gives any examples of it as a neuter. They do list
feminine and masculine forms but the ending -ON is listed after the masculine
and is not in bold type so I am sure if this is intended as a neuter ending or
what? Can one of you LSJ aficionados help me out with this?

Secondly the gloss LSJ lists for this word is "counterfeit" in the masculine
and under the feminine form "representation". I am wondering if this can
really be the reading in Bezae since I can find on reference to it as a neuter
with a meaning which will fit in this context. If this is not the reading in
Bezae what are some alternatives for filling the lacuna?

I did a search in Persus literary Greek texts for all three forms of this word
which are listed in LSJ and found no matches.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 
Seahurst WA 98062

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