Re: Luke 3:23

From: Eric Weiss (
Date: Sat Dec 27 1997 - 08:22:31 EST

> Steven Cox <>
> wrote:

> Hi David
> I was never much good at maths, but who's to say
> that 14+15+14 didn't = 3x14 in those days?

This is deviating from B-Greek, but I have an odd little
(self-published?) book, B'SOROT MATTI - The Good News According to
Matthew from An Old Hebrew Manuscript - by James Scott Trimm, translated
from a Hebrew manuscript "discovered" by Jean Du Tillet in 1553 (which
he says is NOT the "Shem Tob" version). Hebrew/Aramaic New Testament
Research Institute, Post Office Box 471, Hurst, Texas 76053. Anyway, Mr.
Trimm writes:

"In verse 13 we see the missing name "Av'ner" between "Av'ichud" and
"Elyakim" ... since "Av'ner" looks, in Hebrew, similar to "Av'ichud, it
is apparent that a careless scribe looked back up to the list and picked
back up after "Av'ner," mistaking it for "Av'ichud." This scribal error
shows clearly that the Hebrew text came BEFORE the Greek text, which is
affected by the later scribal error."

Looking at the poorly-reproduced copy of the handwritten manuscript, I
find it a little difficult to accept Mr. Trimm's point - the "Av'ichud"
looks to be spelled Alef-Bet-Yod-Qof-Vav-Dalet, and "Avner" as
Alef-Bet-Nun-Resh - omitting both the Yod and the Vav doesn't seem
likely to me - but who am I to say? Anyway, that's one supposed
explanation for the "missing" name.

"Eric S. Weiss"

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