Transliteration schemes

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Mon Dec 29 1997 - 18:12:47 EST

Daniel Riano has posted an explanation of the scheme he uses. He also says
he is quoting me, whereas he is quoting someone else.

We had endless discussions of the virtues of many schemes several
years ago, and a decision was made to:

(1) Allow liberty of methods;

(2) Suggest the commonest one in use on this List, for those who wish
to conform to the commonest method in use on this List, and to explain it.

Daniel likes his method best. Good! He may use it.
Everyone probably likes his/her own method best. Good! They may use them.
Some may prefer being clear to others to using their own method on this
        List. Good! They may do so.

But please: No more defenses of the method each one of us prefers.
(My personal method is not the same as that "suggested" in the FAQ;
but I have no reason to defend it here, or even use it here.)

Most posters like (or used to like) being able to distinguish the Greek
from English, hence the use of capitals. Accents, as used on some other
Lists, seem needless unless we are discussing the accent of a word, since
we all possess Greek Testaments.

But if you prefer, use lower-case, use accents, or anything you like.
Of course, the further you stray from the usual method, the more your
fellow-subscribers will use the "Delete" key.

(Incidentally, Daniel's scheme, aside from accents, is exactly the
suggested one except for the variation in X and C, a variation which
is noted on the FAQ's explanation.)

Edward Hobbs

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