From: Steven Cox (
Date: Wed Dec 31 1997 - 22:35:53 EST

        Hi Carl
        [If you get sent anything OFF-LIST re "authorial intent"
        would you mind forwarding copies? Thanks]

        Still have the original question about TARTAROW,
        raised by David's post (perhaps I have been blinded
        by lexicons defining the verb as "sent to Tartarus")

        TARTAROS is used in LXX as home of Leviathan
        (or rather DRAKWN), and Greek mythology has
        plenty to say about TARTAROS, so why not use
        the noun? Does TARTAROW have a wider meaning?

        If not used in 1 Enoch(?), or MSS dating makes that
        irrelevant(?), then does TARTAROW come from an
        identifiable source in Attic Greek? Or is trying
        to identify the "source" of any NT vocabulary

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