Re: episkope

From: Jim West (
Date: Wed Dec 31 1997 - 20:37:01 EST

At 06:10 PM 12/31/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I am wondering if someone would expound the word "episkope" as it is
>found in 1 Timothy 3:1 et al and how he/she thinks this word relates to
>the "position" and/or "function" that Paul is speaking about. The
>dispute between my friend and myself is in essence the idea of
>"episkope" being a "position" in the church versus the idea of it just
>applying to everyone "elder" in general. Your responses are very much

I think that by the time the pastorals were written the word described an
official office rather than a general "overseer".

>Michael Olszta


Jim West

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