Re: episkope

From: Jim West (
Date: Thu Jan 01 1998 - 10:34:34 EST

At 10:17 AM 1/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>So then when translating the word "episkope" as it is used in 1 Timothy
>3:1, the word "office" is required to bring out the sense that this is a
>position/office rather than just a "general overseeing" which anyone can
>walk into, no matter what his qualifications are. Is this correct? I
>realize that the term "bishop" seems more of a transliteration rather
>than a translation of "episkope" but I wonder how else this could be
>translated" Any ideas would be helpful.

I think when one translates this word in this place one should use something
like "episcopal office". This is generally understood, I think, by folk who
read the Bible and yet it is faithful to the meaning of the word in context.


Jim West

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