
From: Steven Cox (scox@ns1.chinaonline.com.cn.net)
Date: Mon Jan 05 1998 - 09:47:50 EST

        Hi Daniel, anyone else who might know

        Was Epimenides a comic writer or humourist?
        I was just wondering if Paul's word "prophet" has
        a smiley after it in the Greek?



At 18:34 98/01/03 +0100, Daniel Ria–o wrote:
>Even one of their own prophets has said ;-)
>"Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons" (Titus 1:12 NIV)

Krh=tes a)ei\ yeu=stai, kaka\ qhri/a, gaste/res a)rgai/

This is attributed (by. ia. Hieronimus in his commentary to this place) to
Epimenides (himself from Crete, S. VI/V a.C.) and has no context (it is Fr.
1 Diehls-Kranz). The first part of the hexameter is repeated in Callimachus
Hymm.1.8, and there can be an allusion to it in Aratus 30. Both texts
(Aratus and Callim.) are in vol. 129 of the Loeb series, with good notes.

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