Re: Gramcord notes on the article

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jan 02 1998 - 14:11:59 EST

At 01:48 PM 1/2/98 EST, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>Jonathan asked if there were any rules for determining definiteness.
>This might be one, at least as it pertains to the predicate nominative.
>Let me try to state the rule (call it Dixon's rule, if you like and for
>simplicity): a predicate nominative will be definite if and only if it
>can be interchanged with the subject without losing any meaning. Boy,
>am I going out on a limb on this one, or what? Saw away.
I'm not ready to saw yet, since the burden of proof rests on the
affirmative. Give me some proof, then we'll start sawing ;->

Texcel Research

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