Re: Gramcord notes on the article

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jan 02 1998 - 15:06:50 EST

At 12:44 PM 1/2/98 -0700, Williams, Wes wrote:
>Let us consider the statement about Prince Charles; "Charles is
>a prince." What do I mean?
>Princely character? (Charles emulates the qualitites of what a
>monarch should be). Or,
>The son of a monarch?

Or perhaps that he has the status associated with the office of prince,
regardless of how he came by it or what his character is.

Incidentally, note that in English, you can say "Charles is King" or
"Charles is God", but you can not say "Charles is prince". Perhaps you can
say "Charles is Prince of Wales, that sounds plausible to me. To me, there
is a difference between "Charles is King" and "Charles is the King"; the
first statement is qualitative and definite, the second definite but not

>The issue is not that the LOGOS had the qualities "associated
>with a god." He _was_ God/god/a god (QEOS). As such, he would have the
>qualities and characteristics associated with 'God.'

"The Word was God", interpreted as "definite and qualitative", does not
mean "the Word had godly character" or "the Word had the qualities and
characteristics associated with a god", it means "the Word had the
qualities and characteristics associated with God". So I am drawing a
distinction between:

1. "definite and qualitative": has the qualities and characteristics
associated with God
2. "indefinite and qualitative": has the qualities and characteristics
associated with a God

>If we exclude choice (3) by mutual agreement (i.e. we agree that
>the Word is not of ungodly character),

Hah! I just caught you making a theological statement ;->
But yes, we do *agree* on this theological statement...

Jonathan Robie

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