Re: New Testament ues of the Ood

From: Jack Vogt (
Date: Wed Jan 07 1998 - 12:46:32 EST

: Carl W. Conrad <>
> To: Jack Vogt <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: New Testament ues of the Ood
> Date: January 6, 1998 3:59 AM
> At 11:52 PM -0600 1/5/98, Jack Vogt wrote:
> > I was wondering if someone could help me out in how to determine
> >when the
> >New Testament quotes the Old. I am writing a masters thesis on what the
> >name is in Phil 2:9-11 that has been given to Jesus.
> > I found an interesting statemant in D.C. Carson's Phillippians
> >commentary
> >"Basics for Believers," page 47. He first says that Paul has Isaiah 42:8
> >mind and echoes the statemant "I am the Lord; that is my name!" In the
> >next paragraph he says that Phil has qouted Isaiah 42:8. My question is
> >close does the wording have to be for it to be a quote and how distant
> >the form be before it should be called an echo?
> > The other question that I have is whether Carson is right in his
> >assessment that this is a quote or even an echo?
> I'm rather leery of that suggestion (that it is definitely a citation).
> the Hebrew of Isaiah 42:8, at least, the name referred to is the proper
> name YHWH, not the generic noun or title, ADONAI in Hebrew, KURIOS in
> Greek. It's conceivable that it might be a citation from a Greek
> translation of YHWH read as ADONAI and translated into Greek as KURIOS.
> in the NT KURIOS is most commonly used with a definite article and refers
> to Jesus rather than to God "the Father."

        When one looks at the LXX of Isaiah, it is interesting to see how it
translates YHWH: in some places it replaces it with KURIOS, but in other
places it adds O THEOS, as is the case in 42:8. This happens in a number of
places 43:10 etc. In a number of places the LXX uses only THEOS when it
translates YHWH (41:11 and 43:11). What difference, if any, does this make
for the way that the NT uses KURIOS?

Thank-you for those who supplied bibliography. I am wondering if anyone
knows when the last edition of Martin's book _Carmen Christi_ was
published? I have read the first edition but I am not aware of what
changes the later editions have, if any.

Wishing you the best:
Jack Vogt

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