First Response to Neil Booth

From: Edward Hobbs (
Date: Wed Jan 07 1998 - 17:35:52 EST

From: LUCY::EHOBBS "Edward Hobbs" 7-JAN-1998 14:12:08.78
To: IN%""

Neil Booth asks:
In Luke 1.78, Zechariah speaks of ANATOLH EX hUYOUS. Every translation I can
lay my hands on takes this to mean the rising of the sun from (somewhat
incongruously!) the height, but I note that in the LXX of Jeremiah 23.5 and
Zechariah 3.8; 6.12, ANATOLH is used to translate tsemach (sorry if that's
bad transliteration -- I don't know the ASCII scheme for Hebrew!), the
Hebrew word for the Messianic "Branch".

Has anyone a view on whether "Branch from on high" is a permissible (or even
preferable) translation of Luke 1.78?


><))))> <((((><
Neil Booth
Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

        Since this is a famous "crux interpretum," may I suggest that
before responses are given individually to Neil's inquiry, we read with
care Joe Fitzmyer's admirable summary of the options and difficulties,
in his Anchor Bible Commentary on Luke, Vol. 1 (Series Vol. 28), pp. 387f.
        If Neil does not have access to this volume (and tells us that),
perhaps someone who can type faster than I can (two fingers, alas!) would
be willing to copy this passage.
        It isn't an easy matter to settle.

Edward Hobbs

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