Re: PLANHTHS in Jude 13f

From: Ben Crick (
Date: Mon Jan 12 1998 - 19:44:16 EST

On Sun 11 Jan 98 (19:50:02), wrote:

[meat snipped]

> The sort of grammatical "mistake" made by the author in Jude is an
> interesting instance of an "educated mistake" of the sort that most of
> us make at one time or another: [snip]

 Thank you very much indeed, Carl, for that encyclopaedic explanation!

 It reminds me of the legend about Domitian interviewing two members of the
 family of Jesus (grandsons of His brother Jude, according to FF Bruce)
 because they claimed descent from the royal line of David, and dismissed
 them when he found them to be simple peasants quite uninterested in secular
 kingship (Eusebius, /Hist. Eccl./ III.20, quoting Hegesippus. (FF Bruce,
 /The Spreading Flame/, London, 1958, pp 167f).

 None of the NT writers had Greek for his mother tongue; except maybe Luke?

 Revd Ben Crick, BA CF
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)

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