Re: Nominativus pendens?

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Tue Jan 13 1998 - 11:59:50 EST

clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:
>I am quite happy to hear that nominative absolute does not exist in Greek
>because I have a beastly time figuring out what one is and what it does.

        I am sorry to be the one to tell you that, but, nominative absolute
does exist in Greek from it's very beginnings (what's more: it's an Indo
European construction). A clear case is "Il".3.211:
        a)/mfw d' e(zomevnw gerarw/teros h(=en )Odysseu/s

More than 50 pages are devoted to this construction in:
        Wannowski, A. de. 1835. Syntaxeos anomalae Graecorum. Leipzig.

        More recently you have a good discussion of the construction in
Greek, Latin (where is more common than Greek) Old Indian and Indo European
languages in general in:

        BŠhrens, W.A. 1912. †ber den Nominativus absolutus. Glotta 4
Holland, Gary B. 1986.
        Holland, Gary B. 1986. Nominal sentences and the origin of absolute
constructions in Indo-European. "ZVS" 99:163-193.
        Watkins, Calvert. 1965. latin nox "by night"; a problem in
syntactic reconstruction. En Symbolae linguisticae in honorem Georgii
Kurylowicz. Praga.

There's another work on the subject that I've been unable to find. I would
be very indebted to anyone pointing me to any place/ resource where I can

        Merone, E. 1967. "Sul nominativo absolutus e pendens in greco."

        And you must NOT forget to consult tw=| a)ndri/: J. Wackernagel
"Vorlesungen..." p. 293

        It is true, however, that most of the cases quoted as AN are only

        The classical treatment of the nominativus pendens is:
        Havers, Wilhelm. 1922. Der sog. "Nominativus pendens". IF 43:207-257.

        tratando de haber sido de alguna utilidad, se despide (well, that's
another construction)

Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas
c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha.

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