RE: Romans 8:13

From: Andrew Kulikovsky (
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 00:56:03 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim West [SMTP:jwest@Highland.Net]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 1:54 PM
> To: Andrew Kulikovsky
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Romans 8:13
> At 01:37 PM 1/14/98 +1030, you wrote:
> >Filoi,
> >
> >Romans 8:13 says (NIV): "If you live according to the flesh, you will
> >die."
> >
> >Now, the "you will die" is MELLETE APOQNHSKEIN, which is literally
> "you
> >are about to die". I think Paul is saying that people who live an
> >ungodly lifestyle are on their way to self destruction and will soon
> die
> >(physically and spiritually).
> >
> >Therefore, I would translate it as "You will surely die very soon".
> >
> >comments?
> >
> Your rendering is a tad paraphrastic. The text does not, in fact, say
> "you
> will surely die very soon" it simply says "you will die". The
> element of
> time is left ambiguous by Paul (because he doesn't know when they will
> die
> either) and this ambiguity should be retained in translation.
> If you wanted to translate it in another fashion, retain the
> ambiguity, and
> remain faithful to Paul, you could, I think, translate it with "you
> will
> come to die" though this is not very pleasant English.
        Thanks for your comments Jim.

        I feel that MELLETE has a sence of imminency to it, which is why
I used "surely" and "very soon".

        "very soon" is still a relative term - it makes no definite
statement about the exact time of death, just that it will happen
relatively soon.

        Do you agree?


Andrew S. Kulikovsky B.App.Sc(Hons) MACS
Software Engineer
CelsiusTech Australia
Module 6, Endeavour House,Technology Park,
The Levels, S.A. 5095
Phone :	+61 8 8343 3837 (Direct)
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"There's no gene for the human spirit."

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