Re: Trivia

From: Troy de Jongh (
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 09:10:55 EST

Daniel writes:
> Do any lismember know of a person, dead or alive, real or
> fictitious that learned the Greek New Testament by heart? I can think of
> several fictitious people who learned the Latin Vulgata, or a modern
> translation, but I don't know of any who did it with the Greek text.

I realize I'm not answering the question, but I thought I would bring up
a data point for further pondering...

I once read that the late great Bible scholar Robert Dick Wilson memorized
the entire Hebrew [sic] New Testament. I originally thought that the
statement that he "memorized the entire Hebrew New Testament" was erroneous
in that it should've been "Greek" instead of "Hebrew" or perhaps "the entire
Hebrew *Old* Testament". But then I read a second book that mentioned the
same fact with the "Hebrew New Testament". Since Wilson knew 45
languages and dialects, I was surprised he didn't go for memorizing the
Greek version (but I suppose his love for Eastern languages would explain

Certainly someone on this list knew him personally or knows some details
of this story. What did he actually memorize?

Troy DeJongh 

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