EXESTHMEN in 2 Co 5.13

From: Chris and Julie Kavanagh (kavanagh@xtra.co.nz)
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 20:55:44 EST

Dear all,
         Could someone help me with the EXESTHMEN in 2 Co 5.13. The verse says:
in the EVV being, for the first clause, similar to: 'For if we are
beside ourselves, it is for God' (RSV).

My question concerns the translation of an aorist by an English present.
Hughes, in NICOT on 2 Co explains it as a 'timeless aorist, perfect in
force', following JH Moulton. Mark 3.21 ELEGON GAR hOTI EXESTH is given
as a parallel example.

Are there any more examples of 'timeless aorists' ? - I don't have acces
to Moulton -, or could the examples here be classed with another class
of aorists?

Presumably, the EXESTHMEN is translated as a present since SWFRONOUMEN
is a present; but a simple past would also make sense: 'If we were
beside ourselves, it was for God', relating to an incident or time that
the Corinthians knew about, but which may or may not be identifiable to

It is just possible that Paul was alluding to, or even quoting , this
incident about Jesus. His thought might be 'if Christ was thought of as
beside himself on one occasion, wrongly, couldn't that be thought of me
to, Corinthians, also wrongly'. Might this acount for use of aorist in 2
Co also?

Yours, Chris Kavanagh.

CJ and JM Kavanagh, 2 Christian Place, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
kavanagh@xtra.co.nz            Phone: +64-6-354 5678.

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