From: Byron Bezdek (
Date: Mon Jan 12 1998 - 17:41:55 EST

JPDow wrote:

> Greetings, fellow B-Greekers:
> I have a question regarding the Greek phrase DIA PISTEWS IHSOU
> XRISTOU which could be translated "through faith OF Jesus Christ" in
> Rom. 3:22a. Does the fact that the name of the Lord is in the
> genitive case indicate that Christians are actually justified
> (reckoned righteous) by *Christ's faith* (the faith that He Himself
> possessed while He lived in this world), rather than through their
> own exercising of the faith that God has given them? I have heard
> people use this passage to prove that the faith of Christ itself is
> actually the faith whereby believers are justified, as opposed to any
> personal believing on their own part. But I have a problem with such
> a view, since it would seem to negate other NT passages that speak of
> the believers themselves doing the believing (e.g., Eph. 1:13).
> Any thoughts? Is there possibly another meaning to be understood from
> the use of the genitive in this phrase?
> Sola Gratia,
> Jeremy

How about, "through [the] FAITHFULNESS of Jesus Christ"


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