
From: Arlen (
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 06:09:45 EST

>First of all, do I know you? Your e-address and signature don't tell me
>much, and I think that the former student whose work I eventually saw
>through a Ph.D. on the book of Acts spelled his name Arlyn. Are you
>currently on B-Greek? That's where I would guess you found me.

B-Greek is indeed the place. We've corresponded about some elementary
greek occasionally, but not for some time now, and usually it was from my
other address, Sorry about the lack of info; I
forgot the .sig on this account is quite informal. I'm the computer guy
struggling with learning greek (working my way through Mounce) and
theology on his own time (unlike some of the people I talk to and authors
I read, I want to understand the text before building doctrinal
positions). Back when James Tauber was setting up the original B-Greek
archives, I passed on a lot of the back B-Greek digests I had. I still
have a lot of them, but alas, I don't have a good way of searching them,
collectively, yet.

>I think that's about all I can say on the subject. I hope it satisfies your
>curiosity. Regards, cwc

It does. I had gotten to much the same place as you described with
respect to the "esteemed/regarded among the apostles," but I wasn't at
all sure about the name.

Dr. Conrad, I do appreciate your taking the time with me over this, and
the other questions I've had. I continue to read B-Greek, and I measure
my progress by how far the discussions get over my head. Who knows, I may
even get far enough to contribute something someday.

Thanks again.

Have fun,
In God we trust, all others must supply data

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