Re: GNT on disk...?

From: Jim West (
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 18:59:04 EST

At 02:17 PM 1/20/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Hey all,
>Speaking of the GNT being online, does anyone know of any commercial
>software that provides the GNT on disk for a good price?

Logos does.

>I want the
>GNT with diacriticals, since the Greek texts in the Online bible,
>which I have, are devoid of any diacritical marks (which I think is
>kind of lame). Any suggestions?

What do you mean, kind of lame? The earliest mss of the NT have no
diacriticals at all- and not even spaces between words. Thus, I would
suggest, the diacriticals are editorial additions which are secondary and
necessary only if one is unfamiliar with the inner workings of the language.
You dont need diacriticals any more than a person with two good legs needs
crutches! :)

>Sola Gratia,


Jim West, ThD
Adjunct Professor of Bible
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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