Re: Imperfective Imperfects in Acts 8:17

From: Paul F. Evans (
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 05:22:52 EST


Rolf Furuli wrote on Wednesday, January 21, 1998 1:06 PM

>But these are theories which define aspect in Aktionsart
> terms, and don`t define aspect as a subjective choice of the author.

I have read with only partial interest, I must admit, the various
discussion on aspect that have appeared on B-Greek. It seems to me, in my
totally uninformed opinion and naive way, that discussions on aspect result
in conclusions subjective entirely with repsect to one drawing them! How
can we know anything definitively about the subjective choices of tense
which the author makes. All we have is the text and our conclusions can
only represent what we can determine from the text grammatically, surely?
Conclusions about the action below the surface of what we see textually are
dubious to say the least. Now, please forgive me if I missed the point!

Paul F. Evans
Thunder Swamp Pentecostal Holiness Church
MT. Olive, NC


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