Re: Online GNT with variants

From: Kevin and Sandi Anderson (
Date: Wed Jan 21 1998 - 08:44:53 EST

Here is a bit of correspondence between Michael Bushell from BibleWorks and
Kevin Anderson regarding Jeffrey Gibson's question about an electronic GNT
with textual apparatus:

Kevin Anderson asked:
> Did I hear/read correctly when (I think) I learned that a future release
> BibleWorks will have a Greet text of the NT that includes the textual
> apparatus? If so, will the textual apparatus be that of NA27 (and
> not the more meager one of UBS3)?

Michael Bushell replied:
I wish! We have talked with the German Bible Society about it but
have not been able yet to get permission. It does exist in electronic
for, but we have not been able to get a license. I think there may be
questions about who actually owns the copyright that have not been
resolved. We would love to add it to BW and plan to pursue it, but it
won't be in 4.0 unless something akin to a miracle takes place.

The same is true of BAGD. We came very close to having it in BW 4.0.
We even have all the work done. But at the last moment license
negations fell through, primarily because a new edition is due out
next year and they don't want the old one sold any more and don't
want electronic editions of the new one to compete with the printed
one for at least a year. We have been assured that we can have the
new BAGD in BW 5 or maybe an interim 4.+ release, but at the moment
the U. of Chicago is not granting new BAGD licenses to anyone.

B$ 4.0 will have Liddell-Sctoot though so all is not bad nes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Gibson <>
To: Biblical Greek Discussion <>
Date: Monday, January 19, 1998 9:12 PM
Subject: Online GNT with variants

>Pardon this rather ignorant question, but it was brought home to me by
>Paul Dixon's recent posting on the Martha and Mary passage in Luke. Paul
>in his response refers to textual variants, and then goes on to give the
>variants themselves, as do many others in other postings about other
>topics. Now is this done by going to a NA26/27/UBS3/4 and copying out the
>information in the apparatus (as I would have to do), or is he (and all
>or any others who refer to variant readings in their postings) using an
>online/downloadable/purchase-able GNT which not only *includes* variants
>but can pull them up when they exist? Paul, you can answer for yourself.
>But do others know something I don't know.
>Feeling rather foolish is there is, since I know I sometimes come off as
>mr. smarty pants/trousers:
>Jeffrey Gibson

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