Re: Rev.1:1

From: GregStffrd (
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 01:59:15 EST

In a message dated 98-01-23 00:09:41 EST, you write:

<< I read the following passage in the January issue of Affirmation &
 Critique (Living Stream Ministry:
       Revelation 1:1 begins with "the revelation of Jesus Christ."
 Expositors of this book have held different interpretations of this
 phrase. At issue here is the simple Greek phrase APOKALUYSIS IHSOU
 CRISTOU. The precise meaning turns on the genitive "of Jesus Christ,"
 which, if taken as the objective genitive, denotes the manifestation, or
 disclosure, of Jesus Christ, but if taken as the subjective or possessive
 genitive, denotes Jesus Christ merely as the medium of the revelation.
 Although certain respected scholars are of the latter school, their
 arguments are far from conclusive, but in general incomplete.
    The article, of course, takes the former view. It seems to me that
 the remainder of verse 1 makes it fairly clear that the latter view is
 intended. Is it grammatically possible to take the phrase either way? I
 would appreciate your insights.
 Beginning Greeker,
             Ted >>

Dear Ted:

I think a key to answering your question comes from what follows the
aforementioned phrase, namely, hHN EDWKEN AUTW hO THEOS DEIXAI TOIS DOULOIS

I take the opening words of Revelation as a possessive: the APOKALUPSIS is
something God EDWKEN AUW (= IHSOU KRISTOU), and it consists of things soon to
occur, which are revealed in the series of visions that follow. The
APOKALUPSIS originated with hO THEOS, was given to IHSOU KRISTOU, and will be

Greg Stafford
University of Wisconsin

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