Rating Bible Works and Logos 4

From: dbielby@juno.com
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 10:24:38 EST

I recently purchase both programs and after a month or so returned Bible
Works and kept Logos 4. Initially I was going to return Logos 4. I had
problems with both companies and believe neither has the full package I'm
looking for.

Here are some comments. Bible Works has a better and more accurate
search engine. For example, Hebrew phrases containing hyphens only
sometimes were all pulled up. In Logos, it functions like an english
language search engine and missed all the ones which were not exactly
like your entry, even if the variance was only a hyphen. The tech
support at Bible Works was superior in knowledge, but highly opinionated
on how to do exegetical research. There is only one tech support person
I know of at Bible Works. The tech support I spoke with at Logos didn't
understand my questions. They wanted to refer my questions to some
expert who was going to take several days to answer.

Although Bible Works is "much deeper for exegesis", I found it to be only
a shade deeper. Support for the LXX wasn't there...no lexical support,

When I practiced with Bible Works, spending lots of long distance money
to get tech support, I found it pretty easy to do what I wanted to do.
When I put it down and tried to pick it up again, two weeks later, the
commands were all hard to remember. It's not very intuitive at all, to

I found Logos to be intuitive. I was able to do more and more without
restarting again. I had the same delays, and even longer with Logos
because I was going to use Bible Works.

I think the market is ripe for a company to come in and do what Bible
Works is doing, except have a more intuitive package, with a stronger
support department. To be able to study the LXX comparatively with the
NT would be very good.

I think that some of the in depth grammars should be added into the
package, so that if you have forgotten how to interpret and Aorist
Subjunctive, you can refresh yourself in the program. None of this is
available and it seems to me to be part of what a good basic software
program should have.

So, I was disappointed with both programs. I intend to keep Logos 4.

Having said all of that, it's I wouldn't want to be without Logos 4.
What it does do is wonderful. I hope this all helps you some.


David Bielby

Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Bloomington, IL


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