Re: Cyberhermeneutics

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 22:25:07 EST

At 07:49 PM 1/23/98 -500, james jones jr. wrote:
>Such is not a danger posed only by "cyberexegesis," but most verse
>memorization techniques, the typical sermon and Bible lesson, and a
>host of other hermeneutically paradigmatic activities to which
>Christians are regularly exposed.
>The most effective antidote for proof-texting is a steady diet of
>preaching and teaching that is deeply sensitive to the muli-layered
>context of every biblical proposition and pericope.

Bingo! I love these two statements!

For what it is worth: A.T.Robertson must have had a massive file-card
system to get all the examples he has in his Massive Yellow Tome, and I
imagine it took him decades of reading to amass them. When I study one of
the sections in his grammar, I can often pull up as many or more examples
using Gramcord - this is something I do when I write Little Greek 101. The
only problem is, I don't have the depth of understanding that Robertson
gained from decades of reading. Robertson got it by reading.

Of course, if you read Robertson's grammar, the examples are out of
context. With Gramcord, you can click on a verse and read the surrounding

And there is another great computer tool that is helpful here: I can write
up my understanding of how a construct operates, post it somewhere, and ask
more knowledgeable people to look at it and send me email.


Jonathan Robie

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