Re: Eph 2:8 KAI TOUTO

From: Carl William Conrad (
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 08:42:22 EST

Yesterday Craig Harmon asked me to cite other examples of backwards
reference or apposition of a neuter pronoun to a preceding clause as a
whole. I wasn't able to respond at the time, but this morning I've checked
the references, and will simply cite them as follows:
        BAGD s.v. hOUTOS 1.b.gamma; here KAI TOUTO is simply glossed as
"and especially" and examples cited are Rom 13:11; 1 Cor 6:6; Eph 2:8;
then the more classical form KAI TAUTA, "and as to that" [which is really
the very same construction], Heb 11:12 is cited, and extra-Biblical
Josephus, Ant. 2.266.
        BDF 290.5; 442.9 Too brief to be helpful, but then, BDF really
depends pretty much on knowledge of classical Attic.
        Wallace, pp. 334-5 has a pretty nice and full discussion of Eph
2:8 and the KAI TOUTO usage under the heading of "Pronouns/semantic
categories/conceptual antecedent or postcedent, and in footnote 56 on p.
335, he says, "For what it is worth, an examination of all 22 instances of
KAI TOUTO in the NT (not including Eph 2:8) yielded the following results:
14 or 15 had a conceptual referent (e.g. Luke 3:20, 5:6, John 11:28,
18:38, 20:20; Acts 7:60; 1 Cor 7:37; Phil 1:9; Heb 6:3 ...) ... four were
adverbial ...; three involved the same gender ...

I hope this helps; I had a bit of difficulty finding the discussions; I
would never have found the discussion in BDF probably without the rfc. in
BAGD, and I came across Wallace's discussion by checking his index of
passages discussed.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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