From: Andrew Kulikovsky (
Date: Mon Jan 26 1998 - 19:20:32 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Cox []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 10:26 AM
> To: Carl W. Conrad
> Cc:
> There's also something fishy about "caught in the act"
> Yes? So where was the man?! I takes two doesn't it? I can
> only think that either they let the man get away (as he
> had friends in high places?). Or the author chooses to
> remove the man from the story to reinforce an adultery
> symbology drawn from OT accounts where "adultery" was
> committed with gods that "had mouths but could not speak".
> Hence the symbolic significance of no man being available
> to be stoned.
        I believe the Law actually stated that a couple caught in the
act were to be summararily killed by having a lance rammed through them
while they were still in the act...


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