Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 11:14:35 EST

Denny Diehl here,

Thanks to all who participated in the discussion on the
MOICHEUW - MOICHEUOMENH. Spiro Zodhiates comments
on Mt 5:32 in his book What About Divorce:

" 'MOICHATAI', therefore, must be translated "is made to
suffer adultery". ...Elliott states: 'Turning now to verse 32,
Jesus refers to the case of a man and his wife. He specifies
that the woman has not been guilty of sexual sin, but her
husband divorces her. Jesus says that when he divorces
such a wife, a man ' POIEI AUTHN MOICEUQHNAI ', causes
her to be adulterated,' a phrase which specifies sin on the
husband's part but implies none at all for the wife. She has
not committed adultery nor become an adulteress -- the
Greek construction does not allow such meaning. The passive
form of the infinitive indicates something done against her,
not by her."

Denny here again: I would like to know what you think of the
above statement. I hope this is not beyond the bounds of b-
greek, since I'm quoting an author who is not present to
defend himself, etc., it so, please forgive me. I certainly
appreciate all the contributions thus far.


Denny A Diehl (
2030 Murray St (316-729-9610)

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