From: Andrew Kulikovsky (
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 17:48:59 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim West []
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 1998 2:54 AM
> To:
> At 11:14 AM 1/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Denny Diehl here,
> >
> >Thanks to all who participated in the discussion on the
> >MOICHEUW - MOICHEUOMENH. Spiro Zodhiates comments
> >on Mt 5:32 in his book What About Divorce:
> >
> >" 'MOICHATAI', therefore, must be translated "is made to
> >suffer adultery". ...Elliott states: 'Turning now to verse 32,
> >Jesus refers to the case of a man and his wife. He specifies
> >that the woman has not been guilty of sexual sin, but her
> >husband divorces her. Jesus says that when he divorces
> >such a wife, a man ' POIEI AUTHN MOICEUQHNAI ', causes
> >her to be adulterated,' a phrase which specifies sin on the
> >husband's part but implies none at all for the wife. She has
> >not committed adultery nor become an adulteress -- the
> >Greek construction does not allow such meaning. The passive
> >form of the infinitive indicates something done against her,
> >not by her."
> >
> Quite right- though I would add that clearly she has done something!
        How can someone be made to *suffer adultery*? Adultery is
clearly presented as a sin in the Bible (7th commandment) so if a person
is engaged in adultery then they are sinning against God.

        The passive infinitive merely indicates that adulterous
relationships will naturally follow as a result of a husband divorcing
his wife.

        Matthew 5:32 simply reinforces the law - adultery is not allowed
and neither is divorce - for any reason! - because adultery, which is
sin, is the result.


Andrew S. Kulikovsky B.App.Sc(Hons) MACS
Software Engineer
CelsiusTech Australia
Module 6, Endeavour House,Technology Park,
The Levels, S.A. 5095
Phone :	+61 8 8343 3837 (Direct)
Fax :	+61 8 8343 3778
Email :

"There's no gene for the human spirit."

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