TLG software

From: Debbie Gilliam (
Date: Tue Jan 27 1998 - 08:33:58 EST

I, too, am interested in knowing about software for TLG. I have used Pandora and
have found it to be slow.

Debbie Gilliam
Dallas Theological Seminary
Original message sent on Mon, Jan 26 1:50 PM by
(Jeffrey Gibson) :

TLG software
I would very much like to know from any and all listmembers who use the
TLG on a PC platform what search software he or she employs and how user
friendly it is found to be. I'd especially like to hear from those of you
who have been able to use and compare more than one type of search
software (say J.B.'s TLG Workplace vs. Musaios or Lector) and who also
use Word Perfect. Further, is TLG Workplace the only ss which allows date
range searches?

Obviously, I'm thinking of obtaining the TLG, and I'd like to avoid
frustration in using it.

Replies are best off list unless others are also interested in having
this information at their disposal.

Jeffrey Gibson

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