Re: Greek NT MS images on the Web

From: David Rensberger (
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 19:12:57 EST

Michael Holmes wrote:
> David,
> I would suggest that you post your query to:
> There are people on this list who have created some Web pages of MSS, and a
> query to the list would likely be the quickest way to locate them.


Thanks for that suggestion. I'll definitely try there if I need
anything beyond what I found at the site Todd Pedlar pointed me too.


David Rensberger                       | Phone:  (404) 527-7749
Professor of New Testament             | Fax:    (404) 527-0901
Interdenominational Theological Center | E-mail:
700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW  |
Atlanta, Georgia 30314 USA             |

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