Re: MEN . . . DE and Eph 4.11

From: George Athas (
Date: Wed Jan 28 1998 - 17:31:31 EST

A. C. Livengood, Sr. wrote:

> Greetings all.
> I am interested in your (collective) opinions regarding the use of MEN .
> . . DE as it appears in Ephesians 4.11.
> Should it be trans. as "smooth" (i.e. without a marked antithetical
> purpose) as most -if not all- renderings submit? Or, should there be a
> distinction made between the terms to which they refer?
> (In the event that responses demand a theological opinion, private
> responses are welcomed.)

The gist of the Greek is akin to our English expression. "On the one hand X,
on the other hand Y." The problem with this is, though, that we have only 2
hands in English, making for clumsy or awkward translation of the Greek if
the Greek goes beyond 2 points (as it does in Eph 4:11). Carl Conrad's
suggestion seems to get over this hurdle, but again, we can't do as well in
English as it does in Greek.

Best regards!
George Athas
 < > Ph: 0414 839 964 (ICQ #5866591)
 (PhD Candidate, University of Sydney)
 (Tutor of Hebrew, Moore Theological College)
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