Re: Mt 28:1--OYE DE SABBATWN...

Date: Thu Jan 29 1998 - 12:32:40 EST

Thanks to Jim and Wes for the helpful responses.

Now another question. What is the significance (if any) of the plural number

I believe that it is primarily this aspect which leads the radio teacher of
whom I speak to the conclusion to which he comes: "At the end of the Sabbaths,
at the beginning of the Sabbaths"=the end of the O.T. Sabbaths and the
beginning of the N.T. Sabbaths (that this refers not just to the Sabbath
[sing.] just past and to the week to come but to all of the Sabbaths which
have gone before and which are to come).

Far be it to argue with Thayer and Bauer/Arndt/Gingrich, I just would have
liked a little discussion on the significance of number here. Can anyone
oblige me?

Thanks in advance.

Rev. Craig R. Harmon, pastor
Lutheran Church of the Apostles
5100 W. 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803

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